duminică, 13 noiembrie 2011

WoW - The Best MMORPG On The Planet

World of Warcraft (WoW) has enjoyed incredible success in virtually every way. For some reason, people have really been able to relate to this game, and it seems to have something for everyone. More players flock to it every day, and no one is hitting the breaks. The virtues of this game are many, and all play a major roll in how successful this game has been.

Forged in a Blizzard

As a MMORPG (Massively Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game), World of Warcraft is a very well presented game with solid systems and playability. This is due in no small part to the exceptional quality control of Blizzard Entertainment. This company knows how to make a successful game, and how to do it better than most. Looking back on Blizzard�s past releases, you will find one top game hit after another.

Blizzard invested five years into the development of this game, with a team of 65 developers working on it. They held Beta tests to work out bugs and get feedback from experienced gamers. Their ambition and the quality of their work show in every aspect of the game.

Heir to the Throne

This MMORPG actually hails from an extremely successful franchise of games. Similar to the success Sony experiences from their Star Wars MMORPG�because it comes from a well-known franchise�so World of Warcraft comes from noble parents. There are three other Warcraft games that all enjoyed rave reviews and high sales. Taking these original games, with their existing multiplayer component, and evolving it into an online persistent world was the next step all the loyal gamers were waiting for.

Naturally, there were already loud, proud voices exclaiming the greatness of their favorite game series. I would think that if Blizzard released a movie in theaters, you would see long lines of people dressed as orcs and barbarians camping out for days waiting for the doors to open.

Good Stock!

On its own merits, however, World of Warcraft leaves little to be desired. It is a great game that does not need the goodwill of the franchise to survive. It is fun to play, entertaining to watch, and challenging at the same time. It sports strong characters and plush environments. The game world is called Azeroth, and it holds its own as a unique gaming universe that is full of eye candy graphics. Every game session presents a huge variety of things to do so players gain a sense of accomplishment at every sitting.

This game attracts players because it allows them to play a full compliment of characters, with lots of customization, so they can truly feel unique in world populated by so many other players. This is an important feature of a successful MMORPG.

You can be male or female from a range of different races. And you can customize your appearance as well. You can choose to be Alliance or Horde, so you can actually a hero or a monster.

It has Got Game!

Gameplay in World of Warcraft is nothing short of amazing. You can follow a storyline of quests, or wander off and do your own thing. Completing quests is a popular way to advance your character in skills and wealth. There are also ways to play against other players in what is called PvP (Player vs Player), which has become an integral part of the game. For some, it is the central focus of World of Warcraft. Battlegrounds are fresh and engaging, and offer exciting multi-player action.

A MMORPG with appeal on many levels, World of Warcraft is a welcome addition to the top ranks of the genre. With quality and playability in a game like this, there is bound to be many years of entertainment in that little box. The little box that opens the door to the whole amazing world of adventure and challenges that await you in Azeroth.
Check out the Ultimate WoW Guide http://parkheaven.warmil.hop.clickbank.net

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